Mix it up. People who demonstrate managing several types of credit earn higher scores, so if your revolving (credit card) payments are under control and you don't have any outstanding installment loans (mortgage, car, student), consider taking out a small personal loan and paying it off on schedule. Just make sure the lender will report it to all three bureaus. A few other credit score-improvement tips:
- Make sure that credit limits on individual cards reported to credit bureaus are accurate. monitoring credit report Don't automatically close older, unused accounts; 15 percent of your score is based on credit history.
In fact, make occasional small charges on existing accounts (paying them off, of course) to make sure the lender doesn't credit history reports Shreveport close them out.
Each time you open a new account there's a slight impact on your score, so avoid doing so in the months before a major purchase like a home or car. view credit reports Pay off medical bills, as well as parking, credit history reports Shreveport traffic or library fines. Once old, unpaid bills go into collections, they can cause major damage to your credit.
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