If you are one such individual who is suffering from bad credit here are some useful tips on what you can do to repair your bad credit: The first thing that you will need to do is to get a copy of your credit report from all three major crediting agencies: Experian, Transunion and Equifax. The credit reports will list all your credit accounts, both the good and bad. If there is an error, write to the bureau and ask it to fix how get free credit report Mississippi the mistake. You should also how get free credit report Mississippi contact the creditor who reported the error. credit score report Some creditors will contact the bureau on your behalf. If your debts are overwhelming, contact a non-profit credit how get free credit report Mississippi counseling organization to work out a debt consolidation plan. A counselor will help you consolidate you debts and will contact your debtors on your behalf to reduce or eliminate finance charges which can reduce your monthly payments by up to forty percent. checking credit score You may also choose to apply for government grants or funding which may assist in the repayment of your debt. If you simply cannot pay your debts you may want to consider bankruptcy. New bankruptcy laws require that you have a very low income, and attend debt counseling classes before you can declare bankruptcy. Ensure that you close all your credit accounts and cut up your cards to prevent yourself from reencountering bad debt. Bad debt does not disappear from your credit report immediately. It can take as much as ten years to not see the bad debts appear on your credit report. annual free credit reports
However, while waiting on it to go, try building a how get free credit report Mississippi good credit history.
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